Submission Guidelines


Do you have a book you want to publish and need a publisher or just some useful advice on what to do next? Feel free to contact Submarine Press to discuss your publishing options! If you have a book project you would like to submit to Submarine Press for publication, please send a project proposal with an outline or summary of the project and include writing and/or art samples if available.

Funding for the project can come from any combination of sources—from personal funds, to publisher contributions, to private donations, to fund raisers, and to crowd-funding like Kickstarter. Submarine Press works with several printers all over the world and can find the most competitive printing prices for print-runs of any size. If traditional printing is not cost-effective for your project, Submarine Press will also consider print-on-demand and electronic book publishing to minimize financial risk.

Comics, Zines and Graphic Novels

If you have a comic book, zine, or graphic novel you would like to submit to Submarine Press, please include a five-page preview and a written outline or summary. Please do not send original art with your submission.

Anthology Contributions

For both The Ghosts of North Beach and the untitled baseball anthology, please send a complete draft of your work for consideration by e-mail or to our P.O. Box. Short stories and essays should be 2500 to 5000 words while sequential art and photo essays should be kept to 16 pages or less. Poetry can be any length as long as it can be formatted to fit 8 pages or less.

Creators' Rights

Submarine Press is committed to preserving creators' full rights to the intellectual property they own and/or created. We will only retain the non-exclusive right to reprint a creator's work in the entirety of the project of which it was originally published.

Please send all submissions to:

Submissions Editor
c/o Submarine Press
P.O. Box 2110
San Francisco, CA 94541

or e-mail:


NOTE: Material submited by mail will not be returned to the sender unless an addressed prepaid envelope is included.

Unless otherwise noted, all content copyright © 2018 Submarine Press. All rights reserved.